Dinner Disclosure, 9/21


I had all this rice from last night’s dinner and a little bit of bok choy. I read something about congee this morning and it sounded really, really good.

I simmered the rice, bok choy, peas, and tofu in chicken broth for a while, til the rice had absorbed a good deal of the liquid. It looked good…but tasted like nothing. Bah.

I had thought about adding some miso paste originally, but thought it would be too much with the broth. Incorrect. So in it went, with some garlic powder and gochujang.

I topped with with sesame seeds and smoked paprika, to make it look pretty.

And, oh man, this was awesome. Exactly what I needed tonight. This is definitely going into the dinner rotation.

Also what I need tonight: to recreate PYT’s Jack Rabbit Slim milkshake. You see, over an e-mail exchange tonight, Miriam suggested drinking and watching TV. Oddly enough, my plans included eating ice cream and watching TV. So we’re combining these two great tastes into a milkshake with bourbon. I’ll let you know how it comes out.

September 21, 2009. Uncategorized.

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