Good morning oatmeal

My dad eats oatmeal every morning. Ok, maybe not every morning. Sometimes he has eggs or pancakes. He makes a mean omelet too.

But his usual weekday fare is oatmeal. And as such, he’s gotten very good at making it efficiently. He keeps a measuring cup in the Quaker Oats container and the one used to measure the water is usually close by. The oats and water get put in a bowl with a little salt and some raisins and put in the microwave for five minutes, power…hm. I’ve forgotten which power level. Not that it matters, I doubt any of you readers will be making oatmeal in my parents’ microwave anytime soon (OR WILL YOU) (I remembered – it’s power level 6). Once it’s done, milk gets stirred in, along with cinnamon sugar.

I got on the oatmeal bandwagon while living at home and really enjoyed it, since it was something I could easily prepare along with my lunch before heading off to class. I also got quite good at preparing it efficiently. However, then I moved into an apartment with a wee kitchen and decided that I didn’t really need a microwave. A decision I’ve only regretted when I needed to melt chocolate, soften butter or make oatmeal. See, oatmeal never really came out the same when I made it on the stove.

But all that has changed, now that McCann’s Steel Cut Oats have entered my life. Yes, they take longer to cook, but I start them the night before. Using a 1-4 oats to water ratio, plus a little salt and maybe some Crasins, I bring it to a boil and cook it for a minute. Then I turn off the burner and let it sit overnight. The next day, all I have to do is heat it up, either on the stove or in the microwave at work.

Things I’ve been known to add to my oatmeal:

brown sugar
a spoonful of preserves
splash of milk or cream*
sliced almonds or walnuts
dried fruit

*I bought heavy cream a few weeks ago, intending to FINALLY try my hand at making butter, but never got around to it. I added it to my oatmeal one morning and it was like seeing the face of god.

December 21, 2009. Uncategorized.

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