Botanist Gin

I read an article about Botanist gin early this week and sent it to Jordan soon-to-be-Ph.D, who LOVES gin. It’s made in the Bruichladditch distillery. Now, I’ve only ever enjoyed Hendricks, also Scottish. But Jordan insisted that we track it down, which involved emailing the distillery in Scotland, receiving an email from the US distributor and calling a million (approx) liquor stores.


It’s at a.Kitchen. Soon to be at other places.

Tonight, we arrived at a.Kitchen and found out that they had been “warned” about us.

Well. I arrived. Jordan was late. I whiled the time by talking to the bartenders about whiskey, which is more my bailiwick.

Suffice it to say, it’s quite good. Herbal, but not medicinal. Quite smooth. Delicious on the rocks and with soda.

From Jordan:

Juniper is not overwhelming. None of the alcoholic tang that makes you think of the nurse’s office.

Photo by Jordan.

January 13, 2012. Philly.


  1. Albert replied:

    Have you tried Bluecoat? I’m no gin fan either and Bluecoat also lacks that horrendous juniper bite.

    • sarahdares replied:

      It’s been a while – I’ll have to try it again!

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